Network Status - No Known Issues.

Please watch this refresher video training on email security and phishing attacks.  It lasts about 5 minutes and is only viewable from inside the FHW network.  It will help train you on what to watch for and what not to do.  As always, please contact IT if you have any questions.  Click HERE for the video.

To create an I.T. ticket, email your request to For a system critical issue that affects patient care, please call 858-2222 option 9. To reach Cerner AMS Support, call 1-866-221-8877 option 5. 


Dashboards and Service Excellence Initiative

Below, you will see some graphs related to our journey on our Service Excellence Initiative.  This journey began in 2020, and after a bump in the road named COVID, we are back on track.  These are our Benchmark numbers and will be updated periodically.  Click here for a short video on this initiative.

Watch the Advanced Service Excellence Workshop located HERE.

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